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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Impromptu speech is a type of improvised speech, for which you don't practice and you expect any topic to be givem.
In this case i take the role of a successful lawyer who speaks in front of the congress and tries to persuade them for passing an "anti-stalking law".... Quite fun   (link below)

Final reflection about the public speaking class

Another semester has come to its end, and as time goes by, we don't usualy stop to see what we have left behind, in this case it is important to notice a few things that have happened in the past months specifically in this class. even though i heard in words of other people negative comments like: "the class is another class of relleno", "it's just annoying the way you have to work for something that has nothing to do with yout studies", "you'l get bored" i have to say i actually had fun taking this class, did some friends in the process and had a teacher who encouraged us to do better in every subsequent speech. i gained a lot of confidence, and experience in the art of speaking in front of a crowd, there's still a lot of things to correct but progress can be seen. i expect to keep developing these abilities that will help me in my daily life and in my future job. I expect the teacher to keep being that enthusiastic and to encourage their future students to give the best of theirselves as she did with us, and i expect my classmates and friends to also succeed in life, being the public speaking ability a factor to achieve such task

Monday, April 14, 2014

what do we say to veganism?? NOOOOOOOOOOO

is being a vegan actually healthy? am i doing damage to the world by eating animals? is meat slowly killing me and i didn't know it?   the answer is NOOOOOOO!!!

by the end of this video you'll know why being a vegan isn't healthy and isn't helping to change the world

Friday, March 28, 2014

"tell a story activity"

we've all had that one anecdote that is so impressive, scary, awesome, joyfull or even bad that is worth remembering. in this case i relate a story that happened to me a few years ago, the story of how i neraly lost my freedom. a story that perhaps some day i might tell my grandchildren if i ever have

Friday, March 21, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

"The ultimate gift" movie essay about the value of things

                                                             THE VALUE OF THINGS  
by: Mario Cervantes

"A man can have the whole world in his hand but if it doesn't have love, then he has nothing" - Jesus
Jason was a young. He had a gorgeous girlfriend, a rich family, a full wallet and there was nothing out of his reach in his life.
Despite having it all an event occurred that made him see his life was worthless, Jason learned that the value of things wasn't the same that the price.
Jason's journey began when his rich grandfather, owner of a huge oil company passed away. Everything the man owned was given to his sons and grandsons and surprisingly Jason received nothing. Nothing but a series of instructions he had to do in order to receive a "special gift". He hesitated at first bu, thinking it was a waste of time and somehow stupid. At the end he managed to complete the tasks left by his grandfather.
Doing these tasks led Jason to do things in life he'd never done before such as: working at a farm, sleep on the streets, recognize which people in his life were really "true friends", travel to foreign countries, being kidnapped, etc.. By the end of the task list, he did received a "special gift" or as i see it, he received 2.
One of them was the whole company owned by his grandfather, but a company doesn't really last long. One day it will pass away just like everything else on this world. The most precious gift he received was knowing what exactly love is and the true value of this. Throughout his journey, Jason learned money isn't the source of happiness, buying love can't be done. The death of his best friend made him understand money neither can buy a life.
Jason understood things that have true value can't even be seen. Jason's grandfather wanted him to understand these things at first so he could take the rein of the company, he also met the love of his life by the end of the movie. Jason learned values like humility, love, joy, hope, etc. Furthermore he learned his purpose in life.
we've all been taught from our childhood to work in order to get money and become an "important person". In part this is true, but as we grow up we start to see money as an end instead of the mean it is. We're socially conditioned to learn money is everything in life and despite we've heard this old cliché since always, most people don't manage to understand it or think to understand it but their lives preach something different.
The son goes up, the son goes down and all the work made under that sun should and will stay there. What benefit do we have from the land if it should stay there ?. Therefore we should seek after the eternal things, those that will last forever, those that the lord commanded us to do, the most important, to love each other as we love ourselves. If doing this guarantees me an eternal life, then we should be more concerned on doing these actions. After the statement written , we can see how Jason learned that "value" and "price" are different words. And a life spent on the search of material things is the same as wasting it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First speaking activity for "ice breaking"


Today our class had a speaking activity which was the first activity from the semester, i must confess i haven't had an English class in quite long time, so i'm very rusted, today's activity helped me to get the dust off my throat and also, was the first step in my journey called "losing fear of public speaking, the quest!", i got to know some interesting people, one of them likes dancing and another girl studies medicine like me. our activity consisted in present ourselves throughout drawing s previously made, when i stood up and presented myself the listeners graded me in aspects like grammar, enthusiasm, eye contact, and others. i'm sure i didn't do well, but eventually, with time, hard work, persistence and courage i'll become an excellent orator.
btw, this written must have grammar mistakes somewhere, i'm sure, so please miss Bertha let me know them.

expectations of the class "Public Speaking"

From Classmates: i expect to get to know them well and get to                                       learn all their names, make good friends and                                       have fun together 

From my teacher: i expect her to keep being kind and helpful, also                                to do "Curvas" if necessary

From Myself: i expect to keep the enthusiasm for the rest of the                              semester and manage to get a good grade

From the class: i expect to improve my speaking skills and have fun                          while doing it

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

hi there!

my name is Mario, welcome to my blog, keep visiting it and eventually some interesting stuff will appear! ;D